Behind the scenes of my short film "Land of Opportunity"
We recently finished production on "Land of Opportunity", a short film which I wrote back in July and directed as well. The film follows Esteban, a 17 year old undocumented high school student and his family living in the United States. He is on the brink of obtaining a full ride athletic scholarship, but I.C.E. and their increased activity in deportations puts his dream in jeopardy.
Coming into the film I knew it wouldn't be easy directing it because of some of the emotional and tense scenes that deal with current issues among undocumented immigrants living in the United States, but with the amazing cast and crew it was far from being a difficult task. Each person that worked on the film put all their hard work and creativity into it which made the 4 days of production run smooth.
Now going into post production you can expect the film to be out in mid-April early May.
You can help out the film by donating or spreading the word. All support is highly appreciated!
Here are some behind the scenes photos and video stills of the production:
Photography by Chasidy Delgado, Orlando Torres, Matthew Freiheit